"Every government interference in the economy consists of giving an unearned benefit, extorted by force, to some men at the expense of others." Ayn Rand

Monday, December 06, 2004


This is the blog that got me blogging.


Saturday, December 04, 2004

Grant, one of Maggie's baby-sittees, and his recipe for making Rice Krispies cerial...this is a VERY serious recipe. Posted by Hello

Maggie, my high school senior daughter, who really was just in first grade two or three years ago. She is such a beautiful young woman, and one of the things that I am most proud of in life.  Posted by Hello

A Neopolitan Mastiff puppy....would I love to find a few of these guys under my Christmas Tree! Posted by Hello

Mom and Roxy...the world's biggest lap dog. Posted by Hello

Love the smile. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

I love this bumper sticker! Posted by Hello

Virgin Marymania

Wow, everybody is jumping on the Virgin Mary/Grilled Cheese bandwagon. When you do a search on eBay using "Virgin Mary Grilled cheese", you get a plethora of religious icons that are made of Wonder Bread, Processed cheese, and congealed fat.

There's even a DIY kit for $15,000.

All this in a country where some want to remove the words "under God" from the Pledge of allegiance. Hmmm......

It's only a matter of time until Michael Moore shows up on a loaf of ciabatta bread.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

OK, here we go.

I feel like I'm trying to jump on an already moving train, and I've got a bum ankle.

Going to learn as I go on this blog...before November, didn't even know what a blog really was. Now with all the liberal left media spewing forth, I feel a need to voice my opinion....to anybody that will listen.

Here goes something.....hopefully.

First Post

Welcome to the clearinghouse for the right minded moral thinker.