's cold here in Maryland. My Crohn's is kicking my butt (literally) today, so it was a day sitting in front of the computer, listening to Boortz, Limbaugh, and now, the Bob and Tom Show from yesterday morning that I missed. Got the graduation announcements out, so that's a good thing.
Today I learned what a "Rainbow Party" is, and I also learned that Planned Parenthood suggests to 8th graders that they use Saran Wrap for protection so that they can enjoy oral and anal sex.
8th graders???? My son is in 8th grade.
Nothing but good news from the left. 13 year old girls don't need parental consent to have an abortion. My kid can't taken an aspirin to school for menstrual cramps without a note from the Pope himself, yet it's ok for a 13 year old girl to have an abortion without parental consent.
It's been deemed "unconstitutional" that prisoners wear shackles and chains in court. They are prisoners. Prisoners get chained up. You break the law, you lose your right to freedom. With all the recent violence against judges lately, I would have thought they would have put more chains on them.
Damn, there's something wrong with this world today.
I wrote the check for Maggie's entry into Dowling College. Wow. Talk about blood, sweat and tears. I really was hoping that she'd stay local for the first two years; but she said that if she doesn't go away, she'll never know what it was like, and she didn't want to have any regrets. We just don't want her to get in over her head.
She did pick a major. My daughter is going to be a Psychologist. Funny, that's what she started with so many years ago. The circle is complete.
The mom is tired. I think I'm getting another feels just like that first one. Damn it. Can't do anything about it until after graduation and company leaves!
"Every government interference in the economy consists of giving an unearned benefit, extorted by force, to some men at the expense of others." Ayn Rand
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
It's a Rainy Wednesday
Posted by
6:18 PM
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
STAR WARS CRISIS: Two hurt in mock light sabre duel
Two Star Wars fans are in a critical condition in hospital after apparently trying to make light sabres by filling fluorescent light tubes with petrol. Here's the link:BBC NEWS | England | Beds/Bucks/Herts | Two hurt in mock light sabre duel
These people are STRANGE.
Posted by
11:22 AM
STAR WARS CRISIS: Two hurt in mock light sabre duel
Two Star Wars fans are in a critical condition in hospital after apparently trying to make light sabres by filling fluorescent light tubes with petrol. Here's the link:BBC NEWS | England | Beds/Bucks/Herts | Two hurt in mock light sabre duel
These people are STRANGE.
Posted by
11:22 AM
Bill Maher is a Pig
"So, Bill Maher thinks that the men and women serving in our military are "low lying fruit." In fact, the words he used are "Low-lying Lyndee England fruit." So, here it starts. Is this our signal that the Hollywood culture and the media thinks that it's time to start denigrating the men and women who liberated Afghanistan and Iraq, and who are putting their lives on the line overseas to fight the war on Islamic terrorism? It would seem so."
Bill Maher has some nerve. He's a pig. What an ass. How dare he. I'm controlling my fingers here, because I would like to be typing some really foul language here.
No matter how you feel about the war on terror, or Iraq, or Afganistan, you must support the people of the military, who sacrifice their normal lives for us; they sacrifice, their families sacrifice. And some pay the ultimate sacrifice.
Bill Maher isn't even worthy of licking the sand from their boots.
Thanks to www. for the pic!
Posted by
10:44 AM
WANTED: John Dallas Lockhart
The U.S. Marshal's 15 Most Wanted List has John Dallas Lockhart on it's list. Why? Do you really want to know? I hope you aren't eating your breakfast. If you are, stop. Sit down and read.
This man is on the Marshal's Most Wanted List because he raped a 4 MONTH OLD BABY and TOOK PICTURES of this horrific act. He is on the loose and authorities say he could be in New York.
Oh, that's not all folks, there's more. He is a lawyer, in Akron, Ohio and apparently some software guys came in to do a regular routine computer maintenance for the law firm he worked for and found the pictures. About 100 pornograhic pictures were retrieved from his computer. I don't think the BABY is his only victim either.
Posted by An American Housewife at May 24, 2005 12:49 AM
Thank you An American Housewife for this information. I've simply cut and pasted her entry...because I couldn't say it better.
All my relatives in New York...pass this on.
Keep your eyes open.
Posted by
8:51 AM
WANTED: John Dallas Lockhart
The U.S. Marshal's 15 Most Wanted List has John Dallas Lockhart on it's list. Why? Do you really want to know? I hope you aren't eating your breakfast. If you are, stop. Sit down and read.
This man is on the Marshal's Most Wanted List because he raped a 4 MONTH OLD BABY and TOOK PICTURES of this horrific act. He is on the loose and authorities say he could be in New York.
Oh, that's not all folks, there's more. He is a lawyer, in Akron, Ohio and apparently some software guys came in to do a regular routine computer maintenance for the law firm he worked for and found the pictures. About 100 pornograhic pictures were retrieved from his computer. I don't think the BABY is his only victim either.
Posted by An American Housewife at May 24, 2005 12:49 AM
Thank you An American Housewife for this information. I've simply cut and pasted her entry...because I couldn't say it better.
All my relatives in New York...pass this on.
Keep your eyes open.
Posted by
8:51 AM
Saturday, May 21, 2005
Thank You Michael Yon...We Owe You a Big One
Michael Yon/Mosul 2005
This is Michael Yon's pictures...and here is a link to his post. He's a photograher currently in Iraq...with a different side of the story to tell regarding recent goings on....
He's quite a writer....and just what more people need to see and hear. Unfortunately, the MSM won't pick up on a story like this. They're too busy making sure that President Bush doesn't overstep his bounds holding Newsweek accountable for recent stories.
Thanks to Beth over at My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy for this one.
Posted by
2:27 PM
Thank You Michael Yon...We Owe You a Big One
Michael Yon/Mosul 2005
This is Michael Yon's pictures...and here is a link to his post. He's a photograher currently in Iraq...with a different side of the story to tell regarding recent goings on....
He's quite a writer....and just what more people need to see and hear. Unfortunately, the MSM won't pick up on a story like this. They're too busy making sure that President Bush doesn't overstep his bounds holding Newsweek accountable for recent stories.
Thanks to Beth over at My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy for this one.
Posted by
2:27 PM
Friday, May 20, 2005
First Amendment My Ass
Michael Crook is one of the most ridiculous people I've seen in a while. He seems to like saying whatever to get a rise out of people. Have you seen his website? He speaks of seat belts and old drivers...divorces and cats and children. So far removed from what I can only imagine is "the dark side" of Michael Crook. The side of him that hates the country that he lives in; the side of him that hates the men and women who are sworn to protect us.
I guess the guy does have the right to say what he wants, but I still would relish removing his spleen with a grapefruit spoon. (This is the dark side of me...I hate trolls who are hypocrites).
What a douche.
He's got a new website coming also...bashing the police.
It's treason. Plain and simple.
I didn't see the interview on Hannity and Colmes (Alan Colmes resembles a turtle in the worst way). I'll try and catch it on the rerun, if I've got insomnia (or if I'm still waiting for my teenage son to get in tonight!)
Thanks to Six Meat Buffet for this.
Posted by
10:39 PM
First Amendment My Ass
Michael Crook is one of the most ridiculous people I've seen in a while. He seems to like saying whatever to get a rise out of people. Have you seen his website? He speaks of seat belts and old drivers...divorces and cats and children. So far removed from what I can only imagine is "the dark side" of Michael Crook. The side of him that hates the country that he lives in; the side of him that hates the men and women who are sworn to protect us.
I guess the guy does have the right to say what he wants, but I still would relish removing his spleen with a grapefruit spoon. (This is the dark side of me...I hate trolls who are hypocrites).
What a douche.
He's got a new website coming also...bashing the police.
It's treason. Plain and simple.
I didn't see the interview on Hannity and Colmes (Alan Colmes resembles a turtle in the worst way). I'll try and catch it on the rerun, if I've got insomnia (or if I'm still waiting for my teenage son to get in tonight!)
Thanks to Six Meat Buffet for this.
Posted by
10:39 PM
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Tell Us Something We Already Knew
Finally, people are getting it!
Some very sound reasons why everybody hates the French.
And I quote:
Why the French are the worst company on the planet, a wry take on France by two of its citizens, dredges up all the usual evidence against them. They are crazy drivers, strangers to customer service, obsessed by sex and food and devoid of a sense of humour. But it doesn't stop there, boasting a breakdown, nation by nation, of what in the French irritates them. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Britons described them as "chauvinists, stubborn, nannied and humourless". However, the French may be more shocked by the views of other nations. For the Germans, the French are "pretentious, offhand and frivolous". The Dutch describe them as "agitated, talkative and shallow." The Spanish see them as "cold, distant, vain and impolite" and the Portuguese as "preaching". In Italy they comes across as "snobs, arrogant, flesh-loving, righteous and self-obsessed" and the Greeks find them "not very with it, egocentric bons vivants". Interestingly, the Swedes consider them "disobedient, immoral, disorganised, neo-colonialist and dirty".
The French, in their own defense, cried:
"We are admired for our trains, the Airbus and Michelin tyres. But the buck stops there," he said.
Thanks to Dave Barry's Blog for this one.
Posted by
7:36 AM
Tell Us Something We Already Knew
Finally, people are getting it!
Some very sound reasons why everybody hates the French.
And I quote:
Why the French are the worst company on the planet, a wry take on France by two of its citizens, dredges up all the usual evidence against them. They are crazy drivers, strangers to customer service, obsessed by sex and food and devoid of a sense of humour. But it doesn't stop there, boasting a breakdown, nation by nation, of what in the French irritates them. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Britons described them as "chauvinists, stubborn, nannied and humourless". However, the French may be more shocked by the views of other nations. For the Germans, the French are "pretentious, offhand and frivolous". The Dutch describe them as "agitated, talkative and shallow." The Spanish see them as "cold, distant, vain and impolite" and the Portuguese as "preaching". In Italy they comes across as "snobs, arrogant, flesh-loving, righteous and self-obsessed" and the Greeks find them "not very with it, egocentric bons vivants". Interestingly, the Swedes consider them "disobedient, immoral, disorganised, neo-colonialist and dirty".
The French, in their own defense, cried:
"We are admired for our trains, the Airbus and Michelin tyres. But the buck stops there," he said.
Thanks to Dave Barry's Blog for this one.
Posted by
7:36 AM
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Newsweek and Responsibility
I feel like I haven't written anything humorous or just interesting about my life in a while. I'm still stuck on this Newsweek story, and the subsequent fallout from it.
I can't get past the fact that a supposedly credible news source can just say "sorry" and a whole lot of people say that the apology is enough. It's not.
But I also see the images of the riots, the so-called jihad; the 15 people dead, the hundreds wounded. There's no "sorry" coming for these victims. It reminds me a bit of the L.A. riots, et. al., when something happens you don't like, you destroy your own world, your own town, your own people.
We live in an age of "it's not really my fault". Nobody accepts responsibility any more.
I have tried to teach my own two children that you must accept the consequences for your actions; whatever you do, good or bad, you own it.
It's hard to give them examples of this in life outside our house when everything is excused for one reason or another.
It makes me sick.
Posted by
7:27 AM
Monday, May 16, 2005
Credibility and the Mainstream Media
What do you do about a situation like this...and why aren't more people upset about it?
There seems to be differing opinions at Wizbang, but the majority seem to feel that Newsweek should be hung out to dry.
I'm going to go and think about this while I vacuum my house. I do my best thinking when I do housework (that's why my house is dirty and my blog is boring.. ha ha).
Posted by
8:52 AM
Thursday, May 12, 2005
Rebuild the Twin Towers - Bloggermann -
Rebuild The Towers...almost...
This is a bit of a long read; however, it's a good read.
Wow, this is from a man I don't always agree with, but on this one he makes so much sense to me. I really like the idea of building one of them 229 feet, 4 inches shorter than the on for explanation.
Rebuild them! (Keith Olbermann)
SECAUCUS - They were just a few feet tall and not even as solidly constructed as the old architectural models my father would sometimes bring home from the office for me when I was a kid - but they affected me in a way I never would have imagined.
The towers of The World Trade Center.
They were in our studios yesterday, plastic recreations of the originals, dragged in by groups who are taking advantage of the security concerns about the planned “Freedom Tower” to push the simple idea that the best way to memorialize the victims and restore the community is to re-build the towers exactly as they stood until three and a half years ago.
They’re absolutely right - with one minor caveat. One of the towers should be exactly 229 feet, four inches shorter than the other. I’ll explain why in a bit.
Before that, I have a confession to make. My first job in television was in the lobby of WTC #1 (as they used to call it; I never heard “North Tower” or “South Tower” until the day of the attacks). That’s where CNN’s New York bureau was located until 1984 - behind a two-story thick glass wall that, when we put the studio lights on, made us look like a very cheap high school science experiment.
I hated the place. I mean, if you work in the city’s tallest building and you’re stuck in the lobby, you develop a mean streak about it. The place was comically understaffed (the first two years, we didn’t have a receptionist - whoever was closest to the front door opened it, for staffers, visitors, and bag ladies alike). The commute - from almost anywhere else in the city - was wearying. The mall beneath the towers was a desert, and the neighborhood a wasteland (the dilapidated old West Side Highway still stood - kinda - out the doors to West Street, and the only amusements were those days when big hunks of it would crash to the roadway below). Worst of all, the air conditioning used to go out on an almost regular basis. You’ve never known heat until you’ve worked in a television studio without ventilation. Suits pressed while you wear them.
As I hinted above, my father’s an architect, so I had inherited the typical aesthetic condescension of his profession. What the heck was this Trade Center design supposed to be? The world’s largest salute to Oblong, perhaps - with the faux-gothic grillwork on the outside tacked on in a fruitless attempt to class up the joint.
I went in there to clean out my desk on the afternoon of Saturday, March 31, 1984. I would not return until September 11, 2001.
Suddenly, of course, the sense of drudgery that only a disliked workplace can represent had been transformed into the terrible meaning we all now intuit. And that gaudy grillwork - the only remains standing - stuck out against the smoking pyre of the place with the starkness, and the sudden antiquity, of the Roman Colloseum. The feelings, I needn’t tell you. 40 days as a street reporter in and around the scene of the catastrophe managed to reshape even my memories of the buildings I once dismissed as merely a great deal of weight sitting on top of the place I did my sportscasts.
And as the searing pain of those first few weeks gradually gave way to sadness and thoughts of what, if anything, should be placed on this most hallowed ground, the only thing, the only thing that seemed to make sense, was the towers recreated, as originally designed, oblong boxiness and all - with that one minor caveat about the 229 feet and four inches. I wasn’t among the voices insisting that only rebuilding it as it was would show we hadn’t been “beaten” - merely that all other forms of construction there would offend the sensibility, and diminish, not enhance, the remembrance.
I hadn’t thought much of it lately. The process of healing is a regretful one in a way. We’re designed to forget - not forget the whole, but merely the sharp edges. I hadn’t forgotten the Trade Center, nor my three years in it. Nor had I forgotten the fact that some creatures had managed to use two planes that each contained a friend of mine (Ace Bailey, the former hockey player and executive, was on one, and Tom Pecorelli, who had been one of the studio cameramen for my shows at Fox Sports, was on the other), to kill so many innocents in the buildings, including two college classmates of mine (Mike Tanner and Eamon McEneaney, who happened also to have been the quarterback and the receiver for Cornell University in the first sporting event I ever actually got paid to cover).
Those things hadn’t passed, and they won’t. Nor will the simple reality that it all happened - a reality that will still of a morning unexpectedly punch me in the stomach, or make me wonder for a moment if something so horrible could’ve actually occurred, or if I must have imagined it in a consummate moment in a dream from an endless night.
But I’d forgotten about the rightness of putting the Trade Center back where it stood. Forgotten it, until I saw that model yesterday, and it all came back to me.
The “Freedom Tower” design wasn’t somebody trying to be disrespectful; it was just the unavoidable project of an architectural trend in which everything must look like somebody just built it with a kid’s erector set. The Hearst/Conde Nast building is just getting finished not far from my home, and it’s that same style: Attach Beam A to Side Support B, Tap Support B with a pen to make sure it sounds as tinny as it looks.
But it was wrong.
The best way - the only way - to further soothe the pain is, as the proponents including Donald Trump are suggesting, to rebuild it as it was. Which brings me to my caveat.
I’d use the original blueprints and design the “new” Trade Center exactly as it had been. But I’d insist that one of the towers be exactly 229 feet, four inches shorter than the other. It’s an uncomplicated gimmick to guarantee remembrance. Because, as long as these new towers would stand, someone unaware would ask, “why is one of them shorter than the other?” Whereupon an old-timer could explain, solemnly, that the difference between the heights of the towers is intentional - it’s exactly 2,752 inches.
One inch for each of the victims.
It’s all the memorial we really need.
Thank you Keith. I like the way you think.
Posted by
12:42 PM
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Jesus Christ...He Just Wants a License
Last week, I was registering with some website that asked me for a "screename". So I went with repeating my first name two times and then my last name, margomargodemers. Well, I got a nasty message from this website, because I had used an illegal series of letters. The last two letters of my first name and the first letter of my last name spell G O D.
We can't have that now. It might offend somebody.
So when I saw this story from, I was relating to this guy....I wish they had shown a picture of him though.
From Jesus Christ has trouble with graven image
CHARLESTON, W.Va. - Even Jesus Christ can’t circumvent the rules for getting a driver’s license in West Virginia.
Attempts to prove his name really is Christ have led the man born as Peter Robert Phillips Jr. through a lengthy legal battle and a recent victory in the District of Columbia Court of Appeals.
“This all started with him expressing his faith and his respect and love for Jesus Christ,” attorney A.P. Pishevar told The Associated Press. “Now he needs to document it for legal reasons.”
Described by his attorney as a white-haired businessman in his mid-50s, Christ is moving to West Virginia to enjoy a slower lifestyle. He bought property near Lost River, about 100 miles west of Washington, and has a U.S. passport, Social Security card and Washington driver’s license bearing the name Jesus Christ.
Original name
But he still falls short of West Virginia title and license transfer requirements because his Florida birth certificate has his original name on it and he has been unable to obtain an official name change in Washington.“We just need official documentation that that’s his name,” said Doug Stump, commissioner of the West Virginia Division of Motor Vehicles. “He will be treated no different than anybody else.”
Christ applied for the legal name change in May 2003, but it was denied by District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Tim Murphy because “taking the name of Jesus Christ may provoke a violent reaction or may significantly offend people.”
In his appeal, Christ’s attorney argued that Phillips had changed his name to Jesus Christ 15 years earlier, and “has been using the name since then without incident.”
The appeals court last month sent the name-change proposal back to the lower court, saying some required hearings in the case had not been held.
Any comment from the man in the middle of this legal tussle?
“Christ is not speaking to the press at this time,” Pishevar said.
© 2005 The Associated Press.
Posted by
12:29 PM
Stray Dog in Kenya Saves Abandoned Baby
I always knew there was a reason why most of the time I like dogs better than people....
Hat Tip: Wizbang
Posted by
7:47 AM
Tuesday, May 10, 2005 - Father charged in girls' deaths - May 10, 2005 - Father charged in girls' deaths - May 10, 2005
Why is this man even alive? Why is he out of jail? He chased people with a chainsaw.
Those poor babies.
THIS is why I'm for capital punishment.
Posted by
9:13 PM
Sunday, May 08, 2005
Happy Birthday Maggie
Wow. My daughter is 18. She went to her senior prom tonight, looking very much older than 18. But then, she got the giggles, and she looked way younger than 18.
I don't know if it's a Maryland thing, a southern thing....or just a today thing. But, my god, you would have thought that the Reverent Sun Myung Moon was having another mass-wedding at the Salisbury Civic Center. There were so many white gowns (suitable to be married in), white tuxes, top hats, tails and canes....I thought I had gone to bridesmaid hell. I hate to be so cynical, but this has become so out of control.
I'm not sure if it's the parents or the kids who need to outdo and outspend each other. There were limos with disco floors in them, $700 prom dresses, manicures, pedicures, professional make-up and hairstyling. Then there was flowers. And the dinner. And the hotel room in Ocean City tonight.
I don't want to say these kids aren't worth it. They are. But whatever happened to a nice dinner and a nice dance and that was prom?
Tonight we went to "Grand March", admission $5.00 each, to have the opportunity to see the kids enter as their names were announced. We got to see a disagreement over seats that went on to become a disturbance that only the sheriff could solve.
These kids were announced, and it was like a trunk show for Acme Formalwear. Tiaras, sparkles and glitter everywhere. Some of the kids looked like they enjoyed it. Most seemed so uncomfortable and were just trying to get through it.
Maggie, however, came out, and there were cheers and whistles from her friends in the audience. She just started laughing, and waving...she looked so damned happy. It was wonderful to see.
She called after Prom was over, and she said that she had had an awesome time...danced and danced and danced. I'm so glad it's going to be a great memory for her.
But I'm glad it's over. Too much stress. I feel like for the past week I've been running around town spending money and doing nothing else.
Posted by
12:46 AM
Friday, May 06, 2005
Jawa Report and a Reader Find a Terrorist
An illegal alien TERRORIST is behind bars because somebody decided to be a stand-up guy. Excellent work guys. One down....thousands to go.
Great story....
Posted by
3:04 PM
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
My 24 Obsession
I am so addicted to the Fox show 24. I have noticed that it's a show that seems to be popular with it because it's not policitcally correct? I watch the show, and the next morning hit the blogs to see what other's thought. My favorite has to be Superhawk over at RightWing Nuthouse . He's got great insight.
On 24, when people need to be killed, they are killed. Lives are given for the greater good.
I've heard Rush Limbaugh and Laura Ingraham talk about it....Bob and Tom (of the Bob and Tom Show) are hooked and even have "Jack Bauer" call into their morning radio show (much hilarity ensues).
I wonder if left-wingers like this show??? Probably not...they're made to look like idiots. For example, the "ACLU-type" lawyer. What a bubblehead. Kept telling his client "Don't worry, you'll be ok. Just call my cell phone if you need me." Five minutes later, his client lay unconscious, with fingers broken, and spent from the truths he was forced to tell. Ha ha. I'm Jack Bauer, bitches!
Posted by
11:06 PM
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
Sometimes it's so hard to reach out to others for help, or support. I know it's hard for me. I talk to Richard about everything, and to my Mom about most things, but beyond that, it's hard for me to talk about things that trouble me.
But today my sister-in-law came to me, because she heard that things might not be a-ok over here with one of my children. She was afraid to talk to me, afraid I'd be offended, or hurt, or whatever.
But the only thing that I was, was touched.
Thank you Diane.
Posted by
12:57 PM
Monday, May 02, 2005
The Joys of Home Ownership
This was supposed to be our cruise fund. Unfortunately, it became our roof fund.
Yes, we're having a new roof put on our house. To the tune of $6,000. Poor Richard is driving a twelve year old Sable with our daughter's old Good Charlotte bumperstickers, I'm switching off between my 1985 Dodge Ram Pickup and our twelve year old Volvo (whichever happens to be running that week).
But the roof is beautiful. It kind of made me feel like a grownup, telling my parents that we were putting a new roof on the house.
This has just been a rough patch of luck for our whole family...Murphy's Law times five. I keep telling myself that it's times like these that make you really appreciate the smooth sailing.
I'm not kvetching though.
I love my husband and my kids and my dogs and my cats and my garden and my house and my funny old truck. And they love me right back.That's the sunshine peeking through the clouds right there.
Posted by
6:08 PM
Sunday, May 01, 2005
Saddam's Knuckle Sandwich
Posted by
10:17 PM