"Every government interference in the economy consists of giving an unearned benefit, extorted by force, to some men at the expense of others." Ayn Rand

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Get Your Dirt to the Supreme Court

Why is it that when I watch the news, I get sick to my stomach. It's been going on for several weeks now. I feel sadness. I feel helpless.

I feel like the Constituion of these United States has been ripped out from under our feet by the Supreme Court. That the needs of the special interest groups far outweigh the needs of the people. That the real estate investment market is dead.

For those of us upset over the demise of the constitution, i.e. the recent Eminent Domain decision by the SCOTUS, Stephen Gordon over at The Free Liberal has a truly wonderful idea.

He sends a nod to a guy who has decided to file for David Souter's property: "One man is attempting to use this decision to force Justice David Souter from his home -- so that he may establish the 'The Lost Liberty Hotel' and 'Just Desserts Cafe�' in its place.

Love the names.

But then, Mr. Gordon has a brilliant idea, in the manner of the Boston Tea Party:

All of us may not have the opportunity to dispossess the Supremes of their fine homes. While humorous, some of us may even have moral qualms about the stealing part – even if it is from the enemy.

However, we have the opportunity to act in a totally moral and lawful manner in order to express our discontent. Let’s throw some serious sand into the gears of the government machine. They have asked for real property, so let us send it to them.

Real property (land) is composed primarily of dirt. The entire incident in Kelo is over who possesses a bunch of dirt.

The people in the area in which I live are proud of their soil – as is the case in most other places. Perhaps this eminent domain issue may be remedied by providing the landgrabbers a lot of dirt – enough dirt so they won’t have to steal it from the poor and the elderly again.

Radio talk show host Neal Boortz recently stated, “All property isn't dirt”. However, in this case, it is. Let’s give ’em some!

Some addresses to which you may mail your dirt are:

Dave Goebel
Chief Operating Officer
New London Development Corporation
165 State Street, Suite 313
New London, CT 06320

Richard M. Brown
City Manager
City of New London
181 State Street
New London, CT 06320

Justice John Paul Stevens
One First Street N.E.
Washington, DC 20543

Justice David H. Souter
One First Street N.E.
Washington, DC 20543

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
One First Street N.E.
Washington, DC 20543

Justice Stephen G. Breyer
One First Street N.E.
Washington, DC 20543

Justice Anthony M. Kennedy
One First Street N.E.
Washington, DC 20543"

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Terrorists in Sheep's Clothing

This is Fred Phelps. He's the so-called "Pastor of the Westboro Baptist Church in Westboro, KS.

Jay Tea, over at Wizbang, posted today about this group of...I hesitate to call them people...monsters. It surprised me, only because I couldn't even imagine people this twisted and sick. (For Jay's post, where he describes how the Marblehead, Massachusetts' Police Department handled this group's "protest" at a soldier's funeral, go here.)

"The Westboro Baptist Church is a truly unique cult of whackoes who manage to simultaneously embarrass the town of Westboro, Kansas, the Baptist faith, and churches in general by their simple existence. Their frothing-at-the mouth hatred of all things homosexual has evolved (or devolved) from "God hates fags" to "God hates America for not wiping out the fags," and now their latest attention-whoring tactics are to show up and celebrate the funerals of soldiers killed in Iraq.

They came to the town of Marblehead, Massachusetts recently to spew their filth at the funeral of Christopher Piper. Piper had served for ten years in the Marine Corps, left the service, then re-joined the Army and won the coveted Green Beret. And recently, he died of wounds from a roadside bomb in Afghanistan."

How sick is it to celebrate the death of someone fighting for the freedoms that we enjoy. How sick is it to condemn others, just because they aren't like you. Funny, this group doesn't sound too different than the 19 who flew into the towers; the Taliban and Osama, who masterminded the plan. Saddam, who killed and had killed millions, just because.

The Westboro Baptist Church group, led by Fred Phelps (I just can't bring myself to call him Pastor), is fueled on hate. Below is text right from their website:

WBC engages in daily peaceful sidewalk demonstrations opposing the homosexual lifestyle of soul-damning, nation-destroying filth. We display large, colorful signs containing Bible words and sentiments, including: GOD HATES FAGS, FAGS HATE GOD, AIDS CURES FAGS, THANK GOD FOR AIDS, FAGS BURN IN HELL, GOD IS NOT MOCKED, FAGS ARE NATURE FREAKS, GOD GAVE FAGS UP, NO SPECIAL LAWS FOR FAGS, FAGS DOOM NATIONS, etc.

Perceiving the modern militant homosexual movement to pose a clear and present danger to the survival of America, exposing our nation to the wrath of God as in 1898 B.C. at Sodom and Gomorrah, WBC has conducted over 32,000 such demonstrations since June, 1991, at homosexual parades and other events (including funerals of impenitent sodomites, like Matthew Shepard). WBC teams have picketed all over the United States, and internationally (including Canada, Jordan and Iraq). The unique picketing ministry of Westboro Baptist Church has received international attention, and WBC believes this gospel message to be this world's last hope.

Upon checking at their site, I see they are going to be protesting in Dover, Delaware at the Dover Air Force Base. July 11th. 8:00 a.m. I'm only two hours from Dover.

I wonder if somehow there can be a group there to meet these crazy people. A bigger group, with bigger signs. Signs that will show support of our soldiers, and of our country. Anbody want to go with me? I'm so mad, I'll go with just my kids, my dogs and my cats!

People need to know about these crazy, scary people. First amendment rights, my ass! There needs to be a limit somewhere, somehow. But no. The SCOTUS is busy keeping us safe from framed Ten Commandments in courthouses.

Check out these losers:
The Westboro Baptist Church Home Page

Terrorists in Sheep's Clothing

This is Fred Phelps. He's the so-called "Pastor of the Westboro Baptist Church in Westboro, KS.

Jay Tea, over at Wizbang, posted today about this group of...I hesitate to call them people...monsters. It surprised me, only because I couldn't even imagine people this twisted and sick. (For Jay's post, where he describes how the Marblehead, Massachusetts' Police Department handled this group's "protest" at a soldier's funeral, go here.)

"The Westboro Baptist Church is a truly unique cult of whackoes who manage to simultaneously embarrass the town of Westboro, Kansas, the Baptist faith, and churches in general by their simple existence. Their frothing-at-the mouth hatred of all things homosexual has evolved (or devolved) from "God hates fags" to "God hates America for not wiping out the fags," and now their latest attention-whoring tactics are to show up and celebrate the funerals of soldiers killed in Iraq.

They came to the town of Marblehead, Massachusetts recently to spew their filth at the funeral of Christopher Piper. Piper had served for ten years in the Marine Corps, left the service, then re-joined the Army and won the coveted Green Beret. And recently, he died of wounds from a roadside bomb in Afghanistan."

How sick is it to celebrate the death of someone fighting for the freedoms that we enjoy. How sick is it to condemn others, just because they aren't like you. Funny, this group doesn't sound too different than the 19 who flew into the towers; the Taliban and Osama, who masterminded the plan. Saddam, who killed and had killed millions, just because.

The Westboro Baptist Church group, led by Fred Phelps (I just can't bring myself to call him Pastor), is fueled on hate. Below is text right from their website:

WBC engages in daily peaceful sidewalk demonstrations opposing the homosexual lifestyle of soul-damning, nation-destroying filth. We display large, colorful signs containing Bible words and sentiments, including: GOD HATES FAGS, FAGS HATE GOD, AIDS CURES FAGS, THANK GOD FOR AIDS, FAGS BURN IN HELL, GOD IS NOT MOCKED, FAGS ARE NATURE FREAKS, GOD GAVE FAGS UP, NO SPECIAL LAWS FOR FAGS, FAGS DOOM NATIONS, etc.

Perceiving the modern militant homosexual movement to pose a clear and present danger to the survival of America, exposing our nation to the wrath of God as in 1898 B.C. at Sodom and Gomorrah, WBC has conducted over 32,000 such demonstrations since June, 1991, at homosexual parades and other events (including funerals of impenitent sodomites, like Matthew Shepard). WBC teams have picketed all over the United States, and internationally (including Canada, Jordan and Iraq). The unique picketing ministry of Westboro Baptist Church has received international attention, and WBC believes this gospel message to be this world's last hope.

Upon checking at their site, I see they are going to be protesting in Dover, Delaware at the Dover Air Force Base. July 11th. 8:00 a.m. I'm only two hours from Dover.

I wonder if somehow there can be a group there to meet these crazy people. A bigger group, with bigger signs. Signs that will show support of our soldiers, and of our country. Anbody want to go with me? I'm so mad, I'll go with just my kids, my dogs and my cats!

People need to know about these crazy, scary people. First amendment rights, my ass! There needs to be a limit somewhere, somehow. But no. The SCOTUS is busy keeping us safe from framed Ten Commandments in courthouses.

Check out these losers:
The Westboro Baptist Church Home Page

Monday, June 27, 2005

Special Force Being Sent to Iraq

Git er done.

Thank you to Beth at MVRWC for the following:

The Pentagon announced today the formation of a new 500-man elite fighting unit called the US Redneck Special Forces (USRSF).

These men from Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee, Georgia, and North and South Carolina will be dropped into Iraq and have been given the following information about terrorists:

1. The season opened today.
2. There is no limit.
3. They taste just like chicken.
4. They don’t like beer, pickups, country music, or Jesus.
5. They are directly responsible for the death of Dale Earnhardt.

The war in Iraq should be over in a week.

Special Force Being Sent to Iraq

Git er done.

Thank you to Beth at MVRWC for the following:

The Pentagon announced today the formation of a new 500-man elite fighting unit called the US Redneck Special Forces (USRSF).

These men from Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee, Georgia, and North and South Carolina will be dropped into Iraq and have been given the following information about terrorists:

1. The season opened today.
2. There is no limit.
3. They taste just like chicken.
4. They don’t like beer, pickups, country music, or Jesus.
5. They are directly responsible for the death of Dale Earnhardt.

The war in Iraq should be over in a week.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Updating: Family, Bad Prom Dates and Idiot Taxi Drivers

So many things have gone on that I haven't written about....been out of the loop for a while. My Maggie graduated from high school at the beginning of the month, and there was much happiness, drama, comedy and food. (What else?) The family came together, somewhat, for the occasion. I cried at the ceremony, as I watched her cross the stage with her diploma. Yes, I was very proud. Actually, still am. She's a great kid....and growing up (and growing away) way too fast for me.

Max had his first formal dance the night of Maggie's graduation party (great timing, Salisbury Middle School!) So I got to see him in a tie two nights in a row. He and Kala went to the dance, and they had a good time. They actually got a picture together, and are both smiling. Cute stuff. We like her. She seems like a great girl.

This past weekend we went up to NY for my father-in-law's 70th birthday party. About 50 people were there, family and friends....it was nice. We stayed with Mom and Dad Demers...Richard got to play golf with his Dad, which was nice. Sunday, most of the males (young and old) played football out in the street. Joe and Richard both tested the hardness of the pavement with different parts of their bodies...Joe with his face, and Richard with his hand and arm. Blood everywhere. But bandaids were applied....and the game continued.

Maggie stayed in NY for the week, seeing old friends, and tonight, going to prom with Nick Spiegel from Hampton Bays. Unfortunately, Nick turned out to be a DICK, leaving her alone at the prom and hanging out with his friends. She ended up calling a cab back to her car, and is currently on the way back to Massapequa, to the safety of her grandparents house.

I would really like to get in my car right now, and head for long island, where I would first deal with Mr. Nick Spiegel; I would like to tell him exactly how I feel about how he treated my daughter. If I could, I would put a pox on him.

Then I'd like to talk to the taxi driver who charged my daughter $40.00 to take her back to her car; first of all, cameljockey, learn to speak english. Secondly, when you have a job as a taxi driver, it's up to YOU to know where the fuck you are going. That's why you have a DISPATCHER. Here in America we have a thing called a MAP. The driver does not yell at the passenger because she does not know how to get to a certain location. That is why he is the DRIVER and she is the PASSENGER.

If anybody reads this who knows Nick Spiegel of Hampton Bays, NY, do me a favor. Somebody please give him a frigging clue about how to treat other people.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Oh The Humanity

Now, I'm a Christian Conservative Woman....and I trust with all my heart in my country and my military....but this is just too horrible.....

TIME Exclusive: Inside the Wire at Gitmo


Dripping Water or Playing Christina Aguilera Music: After the new measures are approved, the mood in al-Qahtani’s interrogation booth changes dramatically. The interrogation sessions lengthen. The quizzing now starts at midnight, and when Detainee 063 dozes off, interrogators rouse him by dripping water on his head or playing Christina Aguilera music. According to the log, his handlers at one point perform a puppet show “satirizing the detainee’s involvement with al-Qaeda.” He is taken to a new interrogation booth, which is decorated with pictures of 9/11 victims, American flags and red lights. He has to stand for the playing of the U.S. national anthem. His head and beard are shaved. He is returned to his original interrogation booth. A picture of a 9/11 victim is taped to his trousers. Al-Qahtani repeats that he will “not talk until he is interrogated the proper way.” At 7 a.m. on Dec. 4, after a 12-hour, all-night session, he is put to bed for a four-hour nap, TIME reports.

Christina Agulera music? Pictures of victims? Forced shaving? Where is Amnesty International when you need them????

Thank God for the mainstream media; otherwise we wouldn't hear of these atrocities.

(This is sarcasm, by the way. Just in case you thought otherwise...)

(HT: Drudge Report)

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

A Crying Shame

This is an abomination. Beth, over at My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy (What the fuck?!?!), and Jay Tea, over at Wizbang (Pissing on Three Thousand Graves), both have the following story:

The World Trade Center Memorial will break ground this year. When those Marines return in 2010, the year it is scheduled to open, no doubt they will expect to see the artifacts that bring those memories to life. They’ll want a vantage point that allows them to take in the sheer scope of the destruction, to see the footage and the photographs and hear the personal stories of unbearable heartbreak and unimaginable courage. They will want the memorial to take them back to who they were on that brutal September morning.

The organizers of its principal tenant, the International Freedom Center (IFC), have stated that they intend to take us on “a journey through the history of freedom” — but do not be fooled into thinking that their idea of freedom is the same as that of those Marines. To the IFC’s organizers, it is not only history’s triumphs that illuminate, but also its failures. The public will have come to see 9/11 but will be given a high-tech, multimedia tutorial about man’s inhumanity to man, from Native American genocide to the lynchings and cross-burnings of the Jim Crow South, from the Third Reich’s Final Solution to the Soviet gulags and beyond. This is a history all should know and learn, but dispensing it over the ashes of Ground Zero is like creating a Museum of Tolerance over the sunken graves of the USS Arizona.

Ground Zero has been stolen, right from under our noses. How do we get it back?

Ms. Burlingame is a member of the board of directors of the World Trade Center Memorial Foundation and the sister of Charles F. “Chic” Burlingame III, pilot of American Airlines fight 77, which was crashed at the Pentagon on September 11, 2001.

Yeah, you’re getting the cut-and-paste bit here. I am
fucking speechless. Outraged and utterly fucking speechless. You HAVE to read it.

I have also resorted to the cut-and-paste thing...Ground Zero is not an alter to tolerance. It is a site where thousands of people were murdered by radical islamic terrorists.

There's plenty of other places to build a church dedicated to kissing everybody's ass that ever felt slighted by anybody else.

Ground Zero is hollowed ground. No apologies allowed. No anti-American slogans. No bullshit.

Please please please help to prevent this from happening.

Start by contacting NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

Then Gov. George Pataki.

A Crying Shame

This is an abomination. Beth, over at My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy (What the fuck?!?!), and Jay Tea, over at Wizbang (Pissing on Three Thousand Graves), both have the following story:

The World Trade Center Memorial will break ground this year. When those Marines return in 2010, the year it is scheduled to open, no doubt they will expect to see the artifacts that bring those memories to life. They’ll want a vantage point that allows them to take in the sheer scope of the destruction, to see the footage and the photographs and hear the personal stories of unbearable heartbreak and unimaginable courage. They will want the memorial to take them back to who they were on that brutal September morning.

The organizers of its principal tenant, the International Freedom Center (IFC), have stated that they intend to take us on “a journey through the history of freedom” — but do not be fooled into thinking that their idea of freedom is the same as that of those Marines. To the IFC’s organizers, it is not only history’s triumphs that illuminate, but also its failures. The public will have come to see 9/11 but will be given a high-tech, multimedia tutorial about man’s inhumanity to man, from Native American genocide to the lynchings and cross-burnings of the Jim Crow South, from the Third Reich’s Final Solution to the Soviet gulags and beyond. This is a history all should know and learn, but dispensing it over the ashes of Ground Zero is like creating a Museum of Tolerance over the sunken graves of the USS Arizona.

Ground Zero has been stolen, right from under our noses. How do we get it back?

Ms. Burlingame is a member of the board of directors of the World Trade Center Memorial Foundation and the sister of Charles F. “Chic” Burlingame III, pilot of American Airlines fight 77, which was crashed at the Pentagon on September 11, 2001.

Yeah, you’re getting the cut-and-paste bit here. I am
fucking speechless. Outraged and utterly fucking speechless. You HAVE to read it.

I have also resorted to the cut-and-paste thing...Ground Zero is not an alter to tolerance. It is a site where thousands of people were murdered by radical islamic terrorists.

There's plenty of other places to build a church dedicated to kissing everybody's ass that ever felt slighted by anybody else.

Ground Zero is hollowed ground. No apologies allowed. No anti-American slogans. No bullshit.

Please please please help to prevent this from happening.

Start by contacting NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

Then Gov. George Pataki.