"Every government interference in the economy consists of giving an unearned benefit, extorted by force, to some men at the expense of others." Ayn Rand

Friday, September 30, 2005

Please Read and re-post on all available sources

Update: Jordan's home with the family who loves him!

Please, pass this along. This is serious. This is from Kim, a fellow blogger.

God Help Us

I have a very serious post.

This is Jordan. He is 6 years old. He is missing. He is our child.

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Jordan is a child in my family. He was abducted Tuesday evening by his mother. I know that sounds strange but allow me to explain.

My ex husband fathered this child. He was not aware of his existence until the boy was a little over a year old. The mother, Nancy, approached our family with the news claiming she just wanted him to know about it and to give him the opportunity to get to know all of us.

Shortly after we met Jordan, we began to notice things that didn't make sense. Marks on the child's body, bruises in strange places, odd behavior. Once Jordan was able to talk, we learned that he had been suffering unspeakable abuse at the hands of his mother.

Physical abuse. Psychological abuse. Sexual abuse.

Told to us by this child in his own words.

My ex and my family began a legal battle that has been going on in the court system for more than 3 years. The courts had allowed my daughter Kimmy emergency custody of Jordan and his mother had been kept away from him because there was evidence that she has serious mental health issues and is a danger to herself and others. Jordan has undergone intense psychological therapy to correct the wrongs that were perpetrated against him and his life had just begun to take on a more normal existence including attending school.

Then the court system decided that it would be a good idea for the mother to have strictly supervised visitation with Jordan 4 hours a week.

During her last visit, Tuesday night (9-27-05), she took the child and ran. We have not been able to find her or Jordan since.

The FBI is searching. The police are searching. We are searching.

Yet Jordan still remains unfound.

Please look at this picture. Please read the information I'm about to tell you about him. Please ask your friends and family to learn the same. Contact your local police department if you have any information.

Jordan Rolfe (birth name) or Jordan Barry (name he chooses to use, our name)
Born: March 10, 1999

Height: 4 feet

Weight: 50 pounds

Hair : Dark Brown, straight, medium-short length

Marks: Scar on middle back, rash (exzema) on right arm and wrist, wart on right thumb.

Last seen wearing a grey shirt with a navy blue collar and blue shorts with orange flames on the sides.

Taken from the city of Strongsville, Ohio. Last seen in Lakewood, Ohio on Clifton Blvd. 9-28-05 at 10:00 a.m. We suspect that she will be trying to make her way either towards Mexico, or Florida.

Nancy Rolfe may be driving a White Chevy conversion van with light blue or green pin stripes. She may also be with a friend who drives a white Honda with black trim. Nancy may be going by the name "Flora" and may have altered her appearance to look like an older woman. Nancy is in her 40's, thin, dark hair and approx. 5'6" tall.

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Jordan is at risk. He is in danger. We cannot get an Amber Alert issued because there is a custody case before the court, even though the judge, two different psychologists and a Guardian Ad Litum have all demanded that one be issued. There are cracks in the system, please help us to fill them and get the word out.

Please help. He calls me Grandma.

The contact info is:

Detective Sgt. Colegrove
Strongsville Police Dept.
(440) 238-7373


Special Agent Timothy J. Kolonick
(216) 662-6637

If anyone has anything at all to report, please do.

Also, we are offering a $10,000.00 cash reward to anyone offering any information that leads to his safe return.

I am also happy to report that the local news stations have finally aired this report! Keep your fingers crossed!

Monday, September 26, 2005

I Am Pro-Victory : Shout it Out Loud

Here's a link to a script for a wonderful graphic for us anti-anti-war people. The ones who actually support the troops.

Put it where everybody can see it.

Thanks to Jay-Tea at Wizbang, and also to the North American Patriot.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Nagin and Blanco...Both Against the Ropes

In the post-Katrina NOLA world, Mayor Ray Nagin and Governor Kathleen Blanco seemed to be on two very different pages. The finger-pointing began before the storm even started. They screwed up. Everybody screwed up. Local, state and federal governments should have learned a whole lot from this disaster. They probably won't, but we can always hope.

My husband told me an interesting fact last night; Nagin never supported Blanco. Hmmmm, that's interesting.

Nagin was a registered Republican, but switched over to the Democratic Party a few days before filing to become a candiate for New Orleans Mayor in 2002.

Nagin didn't like/support Blanco when she was running for governor. He supported her opponent, Republican Bobby Jindal in 2003.

Nagin also made a controversial endorsement of current Republican U.S. Representative Bobby Jindal in the 2003 Louisiana Gubernatorial Runoff over current Democratic Governor Kathleen Blanco, and only reluctantly endorsed U.S. Senator John Kerry in the 2004 Presidential race. (thanks to wikipedia.org)

His less than shining endorsement of Kerry sounds like he did it begrudgingly.

Could some of this be payback? I hope not. For the sake of those people down there, I really hope not.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Been a While

A few weeks ago, I went for a liver biopsy. Got the results. They weren't good.

While my doctor and I were concentrating on getting my Crohn's Disease under control, my Hepatitis C has been slowly damaging my liver. I have fibroids in 3/4 of my liver. Dr. R. is going to put me on Interfeuron for 48 weeks; it is successful in 45% of patients. I really hope that I'm in that 45 percentile group!

Richard and I spent the last weekend just being together...we seemed to be in a kind of mourning. We just sat quietly, and tried to put our heads together to see how we can handle this financially.

We've got a hurdle to cross, and it's a fairly big one. I have no prescription coverage from Medicare right now, and Richard's company dropped us as a family last January; when we went to get new, individual coverage (not as part of a group) we came to a wall that we couldn't get over...nobody will insure me due to the fact that I'm so sick.

This Pegasys drug that I'm supposed to start costs $750 per week. We're already laying out almost $500 per month for my crohn's meds.

Richard is going to be going on a service call with the CEO of his company, and is planning on leveling with him about our situation. Supposedly he is moving to Delaware, and maybe he's going to move the whole company closer, therefore maybe we could get group coverage again. Or something. Poor Richard, he's got so much on his shoulders right now. I feel so awful putting more of a burden on him.

I've sent in my resume for two jobs, one with Salisbury County and the other with Salisbury City. They have great benefits.

I've worked when I've been sick before, I can do it again. (I did it as a single mom for years!)

Please say a prayer for us if you're inclined to. We need all the grace we can get right now.

Sorry for bitching.....

Sorry, I'm venting.

Amid Katrina Chaos, Congressman Used National Guard to Visit Home

With all the finger-pointing and politicizing, I bet people aren't going to hear too much about this guy. Rep. William Jefferson, (D-La.) had the gall to use National Guard troops to check on his property and rescue his personal belongings, ABC News reports. He tied up two heavy trucks, and one helicopter. No clue as to how many personnel he used. He did this while people were still waiting to be rescued.

How come nobody is pointing the finger at him, and accusing him of "killing" people?

How come he's not "responsible"?

I'm so sick of the blame game.

h/t: fark.com

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Patriot Day

Silence and respect.


Way too many people have forgotten already. Maybe because I'm a born and bred New Yorker, maybe because my husband was on a plane that morning.

But I haven't forgotten.

One image will bring back all of the emotions of that day; the tears come easily, the pain still there.

When he finally called me and told me he was ok, I laughed and I cried. But the surreal images on the television stay in my mind.

They don't play the scenes on television anymore. They say it's too "painful".

I think that they should show them every hour on the hour. They should be broadcast on billboards in every town.

Maybe then people would remember. Remember how they felt that day. Remember how it didn't matter whether you were Republican or Democrat. Liberal or Concervative. Catholic, Baptist, Hindi, Athiest.

We were one as a nation. We had been ambushed and sucker punched, and we circled the wagons.

But it didn't last long.

Please remember how you felt that day. Remember for every single person who died. Remember for every single person who had a friend or family member die. Remember for yourself.

I'll never forget.

Watch this video. Look at the faces of 9/11. Remember how you felt that day.

Thank you Beth at MVRWC. Thank you www.gunstuff.com for the video.

"A great people has been moved to defend a great nation. Terrorist attacks can shake the foundations of our biggest buildings, but they cannot touch the foundation of America. These acts shattered steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve."
George W. Bush
September 11, 2001