Sorry guys, I'm getting too much spam. I've got to add the letter-verification thingy.
"Every government interference in the economy consists of giving an unearned benefit, extorted by force, to some men at the expense of others." Ayn Rand
Thursday, October 13, 2005
It's Whats for Dinner
One of my first stops this morning was a wonderful website by Wendy which celebrates old Weight Watcher meals. Got there via Dave Barry's blog, where there's a link to other great food pictures.
Here's the text that goes with the Frankfurter Spectacular picture:
I had no idea frankfurters could be so spectacular. Wow!
I would almost be willing to upholster a whole damn pineapple with pork product just to be able to say I was serving Frankfurter Spectacular. Say it with me: Frankfurter! Spectacular!
Why would you even want to eat this? Why, when you could keep your mouth busy for hours just by repeating the life-affirming phrase that is "Frankfurter Spectacular."
I remember looking through my grandmother's cookbooks as a child and seeing photos like my young mind they seemed so elegant...
I believe if this was the only food offered, nobody would have a weight problem.
Posted by
8:27 AM
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Fifth Anniversary of the U.S.S. Cole Bombing....hello? Is this thing on?
Today is the fifth anniversary of the murder of 17 American Sailors on the U.S.S. Cole. I remember seeing the images of the ship, a huge hole in the side. I remember seeing Yemenis clapping and dancing; celebrating the attack. I remember that it didn't stay in the news for long. It was a sucker punch to America, and unfortunately, the most powerful country in the world did nothing about it. It was part of what was to be the beginning of the war on terror; a war ignored for far too long.
I remember. And thanks to the blogosphere, others do too.
Alan Gray, a police officer in Gainesville, Florida, wrote a wonderful tribute to our fellow patriots who gave their lives on the U.S.S. Cole. Here's a link to his blog. Here's a link to his tribute. Thank you to Michelle Malkin, who led me there.
As expected, the MSM has ignored this day. That really pisses me off, but it doesn't surprise me. I can only imagine how that makes the families of the murdered soldiers feel.
Remember the U.S.S. Cole (DDG-67)
On October 12, 2000 at 1118 hrs a small boat approached the USS Cole, moored in Aden, Yemen for refueling, and detonated a bomb, killing 17 of our shipmates and wounding 39 others. Built in Pascagoula, MS and commissioned in 1996, the Cole is named for a Marine Corps machine-gunner killed on “Iwo Jima” in 1945. Fifty-five years after that epic battle, 17 young sailors, male and female, serving their nation would be killed by suicide bombers intent on bringing their Islamo-Facist global jihad against the West.
On this 5th anniversary, let us remember those who gave their all:
Hull Maintenance Technician 2nd Class Kenneth Clodfelter
Electronics Technician Chief Petty Officer Richard Costelow
Mess Management Specialist Seaman Lakeina Francis
Information Systems Technician Seaman Timothy Lee Gauna
Signalman Seaman Cherone Louis Gunn
Seaman James Rodrick McDaniels
Engineman 2nd Class Marc Ian Nieto
Electronics Warfare Technician 2nd Class Ronald Owens
Seaman Lakiba Nicole Palmer
Engineman Fireman Joshua Langdon Parlett
Fireman Patrick Howard Roy
Electronics Warfare Technician 1st Class Kevin Shawn Rux
Mess Management Specialist 3rd Class Ronchester Santiago
Operations Specialist 2nd Class Timothy Lamont Saunders
Fireman Gary Graham Swenchonis Jr.
Ensign Andrew Triplett
Seaman Craig Bryan Wibberley
True patriots are like those on the USS Cole that gave of themselves for our freedom, for our way of life. For our children’s safety tomorrow, they gave their lives. Each night we sleep in safety underneath a "blanket of freedom" only because those who wear our nation's uniform are standing ever vigilant ready to give their lives in defense of our liberty just as these sailors did on October 12, 2000. And everyone that enjoys the freedom that we have in America, should stop and say a prayer for the families of the sons and daughters that were taken from us and for those who were wounded. We also give thanks to those sailors who brought that terrible situation under control and praise them for their courage and selfless devotion to duty in such a tragic event.
At the Memorial Service for the USS Cole in Norfolk, Va. on October 18, 2000, speaking to the families of those killed, their fellow shipmates, and President Clinton, Admiral Robert J. Natter CINCLANTFLT stated, "Today we gather and pause as a nation, as a Navy, and as a family to remember and honor our shipmates on the Cole. We remember and honor their courage, and we remember and honor their service. But most of all, we remember and honor their answering of that highest call, and we remember and honor their ultimate sacrifice. Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen, when it comes time for our response, remember the Cole."
The sailors of the USS Cole live in our hearts; they live in our souls. Never forget those who died, never forget those who killed them...remember the Cole.
Remember the Cole.
Posted by
7:13 PM