Aerosmith has generally left the politics to bands like U2 and the Dixie Chicks, but axeman Joe Perry says national security and economic woes have prompted him to split from the rest of the entertainment world and throw his support behind John McCain.
“We pretty much stay out of it, but seeing so many people come out for Obama, I just felt like ‘What the hell, I might as well raise my hand for this side,” Perry said from his Duxbury home.
The Bay State rockers have done a few fund-raisers for the Kennedy family over the years, but Perry’s endorsement of McCain marks a first for the platinum-selling guitarist/songwriter.
…“I’ve been a hardcore Republican my whole life,” he told the Herald. “My mother and father drilled into me from the very start that if you work hard and be positive, you’ll get what you’re working for. I guess I’m living proof of that.”
…“I’m an optimist. It ain’t over till its over,” he said. “I think that he’s got a chance.”
"Every government interference in the economy consists of giving an unearned benefit, extorted by force, to some men at the expense of others." Ayn Rand
Thursday, October 30, 2008
We Finally Got a Cool One!
Posted by
10:48 PM
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Word to Your Great Grandmother
A teenager in Florida who used his 85-year-old grandmother to issue threats with a gun in a "gangsta rap" video has been jailed for 18 months.
Michael Alfinez, 18, admitted to abusing the elderly and a number of firearms charges. Alfinez is seen coaxing his grandmother Marie Huertas into flashing a gun at the camera and saying: "This is for all the pigs" and "I'llWhat a sweet boy.
shoot you". The Alfinez family has said that the
incident was a misunderstanding.
Outtakes: A sheriff's report said Alfinez, from Lake Worth, had admitted dressing up Ms Huertas and getting her to flash a gun and money at the camera.
Ms Huertas is seen wearing a full black balaclava and is heard uttering a number
of gangsta rap phrases, after repeated coaxing, that include expletives.
The Palm Beach Post newspaper said police arrested Alfinez in April after they found
outtakes of the video playing on a camera in his car. The Post said Alfinez had
told deputies he knew that there was something wrong with his grandmother's
memory. The sheriff's report says when police showed Ms Huertas the video she
said she was ashamed and did not use that language normally.
The Post quoted Alfinez's mother as saying: "This is my mother. This is his grandmother. Just today when he called me he said, 'Tell grandma I love her very much.' And she told me, 'Tell Mikey I love him, too.'"
Alfinez also admitted charges of shooting from a moving vehicle and firing into a building.
Posted by
6:11 PM
Hanging in Effigy
Out on the left coast, someone made a "halloween" display consisting of John McCain arising out of a burning chimney, and Sarah Palin being hung in effigy.
Because she is a white woman, this "display" is being called "art". The secret service has investigated, and it was deemed "no threat".
More like no taste.
If however, I was going to make a halloween display on my front lawn, hang Obama from a tree and make Joe Biden emerge from the fireplace (with his hairplugs on fire), I'm sure I would be charged with a hate crime.

This is just getting stupid, people.
Posted by
5:56 PM
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Fina's Weekend at the Shore
Our Miss Fina went on her second big adventure sleep over for another new raiser family while I was having my foot operated on. It worked out that Margaret and Hugh Martin will be getting a puppy in early November, and needed a home visit and a sleep-over. So, at the last minute, I took Fina to Lewes, Delaware where we met the Martins, and she stayed from Thursday until Sunday.
They are a really sweet couple, who have a beautiful house right on the beach. Fina is surely experiencing lots of different things this month! Unfortunately, I don't have any photos of her from her time at the Martins, but from all reports she did great, except that she pulled while being walked (what else is new in a new environment?)
I think that the Martins will do great with a puppy....I really can't wait until the new pups come to the region. They are just so darn cute.
Posted by
10:37 PM
Captivity: Day 5
Hello to all! As the temperature is in the forties, and the wind is howling at around 50 mph, I am not complaining about not being able to go anywhere. I'm concentrating on recuperating, and am very much enjoying being waited on. Today I had butternut squash soup (the new V-8 one) for lunch....thumbs up! I'm reading a great book, and am watching all kinds of crap on television. Important emails and text messages come on the blackberry.
My toes are quite yellow and my foot still bandaged. Doctor tomorrow, plus a blood pressure reading at Dr. Gittleman's office. My first big day out since last week! I'm looking forward to getting this big bandage off tomorrow, so I can see what's going on under there.
That's about the extent of my life right now. I can probably repeat all the political commercials I've seen over the past few days...can't wait until this is all over.
I leave you with this, which is something I took a picture of while walking Miss Fina at the struck me as funny.
In case you can't read it, it says "Do Not Put Child In Bag!"
Posted by
3:02 PM
Friday, October 24, 2008
It's over! I'm officially on the mending track from this stupid heel spur.
Went to the Chesapeake Surgery Center at 9 am today; Dr. Rano came in at 10 am, and we were on the way home by 12 pm. I can't say enough about the doctor and the staff...they were awesome. What a difference from having it done at a hospital. Outpatient surgery centers are so much they had animal crackers and diet cokes to eat/drink after the surgery.
It couldn't have gone better...the nurse hit the vein with the IV on the second try (which is rare for me), the anesthesiologist Dr. Kelly gave me a wonderful, awesome cocktail that gave me a great sleep (I love anesthesia and if I was rich, would employ my own anesthesiologist to help me sleep at night), ha ha. All in all, it was a great complaints.
Well, actually, it's about 5:00 pm, and the numbness is starting to wear off. I popped a pain pill about 4, so that should take care of it. As I like to say, better living through chemistry.
I don't know, after all of the surgeries, the runs to the emergency room because my insides had burst open, this is kind of a small deal. In the scheme of things, it's small potatoes. But I'm a bit bummed because it seems to be way way small potatoes to some people that I wish would make a bigger deal out of it. They would make sure it was a big deal if the bandage was on the other foot (ha ha). But being wrapped in their own (self-perceived) problems is more important to them. Maybe I should drag my bloody foot around the house, leaving smears. "Oh, am I bleeding? Oh my, let me get that wiped up! I wouldn't want you to get my blood on your clothes that you have to wear to that job that you are forced to work at! That job that pays you a good salary, the salary that you use to NOT pay a mortgage or rent, pays you NOT to provide your own food, pays you NOT to pay a car loan, pays you NOT to pay for your own health insurance or doctor bills, pays you to basically entertain yourself, get yourself around town, see movies, eat fast food, etc.
By the way, I had the doctor remove my soul today to make room for all this sarcasm. :)Let me stop. Poor poor me. There is not one shred of evidence that a pity-party helps you get over foot surgery.
I'm not allowed to put any weight on my foot for two weeks, and he has banished me to the couch. Crutches aren't as easy as they were when I was 17 (the last time I had to use them) I'm trying to be a good patient. My wonderful husband is....wonderful.
Life is....good.
Posted by
4:50 PM
Fina's Really Big Adventure with the Emmetts
We have a lot of new raisers in our group, and they are going to be getting their puppies in the beginning of November. So, just like when we got Karleen, Miss Fina got to go out on a really really really big adventure with the Emmetts....she was going to go to their house from Wednesday afternoon until Sunday. They are a family of six, with four children, plus they have a dog. It was a perfect place for Fina to go to, to get a dose of something "different". Let's face it, I'm 47 a pretty predictable at my age. This was going to be a whole new world for her...and I think that Fina needed it!
Tricia was great...she's very technologically savvy, and I got pictures consistently for all of the days. She kept me very up to date on all of the activities, and all the behaviors. I think they only ran into one refusal, one that we've deal with, and it was Fina's refusal to get into the car. She has not done that for us in a long time, and I told them that it wasn't a big deal, if she didn't want to cooperate, she didn't get to join the party.
But Fina got to experience so many new things...being with little kids, being with animals, going to the beach, going to a 4H meeting, going to a mule show! (We actually picked her up at the Mule Show, and it was pretty cool.)
EJ Emmett is actually going to be raising a pup for his 4H project. What a great thing. I don't think my parents would have been keen on the idea if I had wanted to do it when I was a kid (Maggie actually said "hey, when I was in 4H all we did was make a house out of popsicle sticks!"). I think it's awesome that he's doing it, and that the whole family is a part of it. What a great experience as a kid. And, from what I could see, he's going to do an awesome job. All the kids were really great with her.
Here's the rest of the pictures from the weekend....she had a great time, and we got back good reports. All this training (nagging) is starting to sink in!
I can't wait for them to get their pups. Actually, Barbara and Gretchen asked me to help teach the new pup class, so I'm pretty excited about that. It's like babies...there's just nothing like a puppy. I just have to get this stupid foot healed first....
Posted by
4:24 PM