"Every government interference in the economy consists of giving an unearned benefit, extorted by force, to some men at the expense of others." Ayn Rand
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Local Commercials...gotta love em
Posted by
8:16 PM
Welcome, Miss Magnolia Lee
Weighing in at 7 pounds, 11 and 1/4 oz, Miss Magnolia Lee Parrish (Maggie) has finally arrived. I say finally, but she was not due until April 1st.
There's just something about holding a baby in your arms that makes the world seem all right.
May God bless her always.
Posted by
1:20 PM
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Joke of the Day (Week, Century?)
A man gets on a Greyhound bus and sits down next to another man. The man who was already seated looks at him and says, "Hey guy, your face is really flushed, are you feeling alright?"
The man replies, "I'm not sick, just really embarrassed. I bought my ticket here at the counter from a woman who was very well-endowed and I said to her, "I'd like a ticket to Tittsburgh, please."
The first guy laughs and says, "I wouldn't worry too much about that; I remember seeing her, she's probably heard much worse than that from guys. Besides, that was just a harmless Slip-Of-The-Tongue;
why just the other day my wife asked me to pass her the salt & pepper at the dinner table and I said to her without thinking, "You stupid bitch you've ruined my life!"
Posted by
8:43 AM
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Today in the middle of puppy class, Debbie had to say goodbye to Ink for awhile; tears ensued. But this is a short hiatus. Debbie and Christian plan to have Ink back for at least the last month before she goes back to New York, perhaps sooner. We've put our puppy plans on hold until after Max goes to Texas and gets settled. This works out for everyone; Debbie and Christian can see if it's working with Ink and the Munchkin, and if it's too much, Ink can come back here. If Ink does go back to them earlier than we think, then we can babysit, etc. until after August.I felt awful for Debbie, and on the drive home, I kept looking at Ink, and she just looked so very sad. Or maybe it's just those soulful lab eyes. I was thinking that she must have sensed something was going on, something was different in the house. Between the baby preparations, and seeing her stuff all packed up, she must have been a bit confused. Poor thing.
Miss Ink is in the middle of her first heat, and we have some concerns, as her discharge has a strange color and a foul odor. We've contacted the GEB vet, and I may end up taking her to Harrington to Debbie's vet. We'll see. But we did stop and get her proper "pooch pants" from Pet Smart. The region bought them, and I think it's a great investment. They're washable, and we can pass them around as needed. I, of course, went back to Pet Smart and got two more pair, because you really need one extra (at least) while you're washing the original pair. She looks cute in them, but not as cute as she looks in the Scooby Doo underpants.
We got home, and her reunion with Mookie was a great one...they really enjoy each other. I'll probably inundate Debbie with pictures and movies and stories, just to keep her up to date on her puppy.
Here's pictures from yesterday's class, teaching the pups to "get dressed". This is Kristoff, who I would steal in a minute. He's the mellowest pup, and has a huge head and giant paws. He's going to be a giant...albeit a gentle one.
In other, non-dog related news.....last Saturday Max and I took a road trip to UTI in Exton, PA. I was more than impressed with the operation. We took a tour of the school, and Max took a 200 question scholarship test. I kept looking at all the new students and say $25,000, $25,000, $25,000.
Of course, it wouldn't be complete without pictures!(I'm pretending to look concerned about some reading on some kind of computer equipment for reading some kind of revolutions per minute).
I have no clue about cars.I do wish that Max was attending in Pennsylvania...it's so much closer. AND, it also has this place to buy your beverages.
I'm done thinking now. I'll post again tomorrow. Brain is turning off....now.
Posted by
7:55 PM
Sunday, March 08, 2009
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Monday, March 02, 2009
Gas Prices on the Rise Again
This story from today's news:
Talk about skyrocketing gas prices! One man from Richland, Washington was in for the shock of his life when he filled up the gas tank of his ‘94 Chevy Camaro.My favorite line? "Did you get the gas". Outsourced idiot.When Juan Zamora stopped to refuel his car at a Conoco service station in Richland, the gas pump’s calculator registered a total fee of $26.
But in a freak computer hiccup, the PayPal debit card he used recorded the transaction as $81,400,836,908. Yes, you read that correctly, that’s more than 81 billion dollars.
“That’s a B, as in billions!” Zamora told the Tri-City Herald.
Zamora says that he always refuels at the same gas station during his weekly commute.
He only learned of the astounding figure when he received an email later that afternoon informing him that his debit card, which started out with $90 on it, was maxed out.
Initially, Mr. Zamora thought it must’ve been a joke. But after contacting PayPal customer service he was surprised to see that the company treated it as anything but a laughing matter.
“Somebody from a foreign country who spoke in broken English argued with me for 10 to 15 minutes,” Zamora said. ” ‘Did you get the gas?’ he asked. Like I had to prove that I didn’t pump $81,400,836,908 in gas!”
He would have needed more than 3 billion fill-ups of the amount he actually pumped into his tank in order to reach that outrageous sum.
Eventually, Zamora said, he was finally able to convince the representative that he didn’t deserve to be in the same position as General Motors, who has lost roughly 80 billion dollars since 2005.
When Zamora returned to the Conoco gas station, he said, the attendant would not believe him until he showed her the printout of the PayPal receipt.
The exact cause of the error is still unknown.
As always, there’s a lesson to be learned. “I guess the moral of this story is ‘pay cash,’ ” Zamora said.
Posted by
5:33 PM
I'm So Glad It Snowed!
It really was a glorious snowfall, still pretty almost 10 hours later. We really thought we wouldn't see anything, because we never do. Boy were we surprised.
The birds somehow knew we had fresh birdseed, and we had a large group in the morning; by mid-afternoon, the big guys were here; lots of big blackbirds, but also grackles and red-winged blackbirds. We fed and watered them all; but I did put a secret stash on the porch steps for the little guys once the big guys came in. I absolutely love the junkos; they are my favorite year-round residents. Them and the cardinals.
Mookie had a wonderful time in the snow; it made us all think of Roxanne, and how she would suddenly become a puppy again when it would snow. I was really wishing Fina was here. I think she would have had a blast in this snowstorm. I'm sure she's in the middle of one too, and probably has more snow to play in than we have here; I just wish I could have seen it!But, as much as I've loved this storm, I don't want to deal with the cold for months! It's going to be up in the mid-50's by the end of the week, and I'll appreciate that.
Wait, actually, for Richard and I, it's going to be in the low 80's; we're going to Florida on Friday, doing a job Friday, seeing my parents, and then leaving for West Palm Beach on Monday, to do another job before we fly home. The weather is supposed to be beautiful, and we're both looking forward to it! I'm hoping that it's still time for the strawberry festival, even though it's been a crappy year for them. We may have missed it. Last year when we went down, we got strawberries that were so incredibly good; they tasted like the first summer strawberries up here, or the first ear of corn that's local.
They tasted like summer.
Posted by
4:36 PM