"Every government interference in the economy consists of giving an unearned benefit, extorted by force, to some men at the expense of others." Ayn Rand

Friday, April 04, 2008


Wow. The day has come and she has arrived! Actually, she arrived last night, and we've continued to be amazed by this little girl.

We picked her up a little early yesterday; Richard, Maggie and I went. Unfortunately, Max had to toil away at Sears. We arrived a little late due to construction traffic, but the pups were late also, so it worked out. Barbara and Randy were nice enough to host us in their home, but it was all I could do not to keep running to the window and see if they were here yet! The weather was miserable, cold and rainy, but all of our spirits were high!

They arrived, and we all gathered at the back of the van. The back door went up, and there were five little angels, four yellow and one black, all jumping on top of one another. My eyes welled up, they were just so cute. A few minutes passed, and then we all got our babies.

Fina seems a little overwhelmed at first, and shy. But we walked around a bit, and we all went inside so the pups could eat. We got a briefing about the Grand Opening, and got our shirts. Everyone loaded up their stuff, and off we went to begin the next 18 months.

Fina wasn't too happy at first about being in the crate in the car, but she finally fell asleep. We kept trying to ply her with toys to keep her happy, but then we realized ok, she's got to learn to calm herself.

We had our first evening together, which was blissfully uneventful. Mookie and Fina got along very well, and Mookie seemed to know that Fina is a baby and needs a little bit of TLC in the play area. We all continued to be amazed at the knowledge that Fina possesses at such a young age. In the following picture, it looks like chaos ensued, but it actually didn't. They were chasing the "redman" toy in this picture, and both running after it at full speed. I love the look on Fina's face!
Bedtime came at about 10:30pm, and Fina complained about it for about 30 minutes, but eventually fell asleep. She slept until about 4 a.m., when we went out again, but then she slept again until about 6:30. All in all, it's probably the best first night I've had with any puppy!

Our first day together was wonderful, all in all. I'm exhausted, and the house is in a little bit of a state (thank GOD for Richard), but life is good for all of us here.

I'll post about the opening ceremonies tomorrow (after a good night's sleep)!