Today, Ink and I took a ride to Harrington to see Debbie and Christian, and of course, the marvelous Maggie. After the less-than-thrilling response from Ink at the festival last Saturday, Ink greeted Debbie and Christian with much more enthusiasm...which made me feel much better.
It was Ink's first meeting with her new sister, Maggie. I was a bit anxious about it, and had brought the "baby" doll home last night from puppy class. Ink pretty much ignored it, but that really didn't make me think that she'd ignore the baby.
I stopped to pick up Panera (Debbie's favorite), and we made our way north. I was excited about seeing Debbie and Christian, and seeing baby Maggie and how much she's grown.
What a wonderful surprise when I got there...Debbie looked wonderful and Maggie looked bigger and Christian looked tired but happy...and they were so excited to see Ink, and Ink was excited to see them. I was very happy about that. Ink sniffed around for a bit, and pretty much totally ignored the baby. Christian went so far as to bring Maggie down to Ink's level; still nothing. There was a tiny bit of sniffing, and she would look over when the baby would cry or grunt, but Ink too the whole thing completely in stride; she behaved exactly as she should have.
As the minutes wore on, Ink seemed to acclimate herself to the house. She checked out her bed, still right in the same spot that it had always been, and she climbed right in and made herself at home. Christian picked up the tennis balls, and Ink got up and played soccer, and chase me, just like nothing had every changed, that she had never left. I really enjoyed seeing her doing this, and I tremendously enjoyed Debbie and Chris' reaction to Ink being home. They've missed her so much.
I, of course, maximized my opportunity for baby time. Debbie was enjoying herself, as was Christian, so bit the bullet and said I'd hold the baby. Those tiny, tiny fingers. I was telling her to say "Aunt Margo"...she just grunted at me, and that made me laugh. I still swear it sounded like "Aunt Margo". :)
She is a tiny little ray of sunshine. Feeling that tiny little head nestled against yours is almost indescribable.
We went to take a walk before it was time to go, and Debbie took Ink and the stroller too, just to see if she could. It worked out beautifully. Ink walked at about 95% loose leash, and actually walked by "Jack" the miniature collie with hardly a glance.
We talked about Ink coming back home, and about a trial-sit, which we're going to do the weekend after next. That way, we'll be home in case it gets to be too much, and we can come and pick Inky right back up. They are also going to sit when we head down to North Carolina for Marissa's graduation and party. I said we could co-raise, and split the time; or work up to Ink coming back full time slowly. Or we could finish her. It's their call; no matter what happens, we'll all be heartbroken together when it's her turn to go.
I didn't get home until's been a long time since I've just gone "visitin' ". Going to do it next week too...Poor Deb is a bit lonely and needs some company! This flu epidemic makes her wary of going out (and rightly so). It's starting to make me wary.
We've made such great and wonderful friends with this group of people; we've almost become "social". I think I've finally found my "niche".
"Every government interference in the economy consists of giving an unearned benefit, extorted by force, to some men at the expense of others." Ayn Rand
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Thursday, almost Friday
Posted by
11:19 PM
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Quiet Sunday Morning
Well, here's Richard and Ink with all the beauty queens of Delaware....very sweet ladies, who were so impressed with our dogs.
We went to the Bug and Bud Festival yesterday in Milford to help staff the Guiding Eyes booth. It was so hot, and I was a little bit nervous about how Ink would behave. I'd say the first five minutes were a little difficult, but she hit her stride quickly and behaved like a champion for the rest of our "shift". Mr. Elton and Linda were there, and Elton was extraordinary...he's quite the crowd pleaser as people don't know whether he's a dog or a horse. Lots of children came up to the booth, and it was a lot of fun. We had a 50/50 raffle, and money was flowing in. I spent lots of time handing out information, and telling people how great it is to raise a pup. It was hot as blazes, and we were very grateful for the tent. Delicious festival fare for lunch, sausage and peppers. Fun day.
We were right across from Brutus, a St. Bernard belonging to a lady who did massage. He was big, slobbery and very cool. :)
Our booth at the festival. Thank goodness for the shade!
Debbie came down with Miss Maggie, and my she's grown already! Debbie looked wonderful. Miss Ink didn't give Debbie the greeting I'd hoped she'd give her, but it was probably the worst place for a first meeting...way too many distractions and Ink, by the time Debbie got there, was exhausted. She and I are going to see Debbie and Maggie this week, during the day, when it's quiet, and not in the middle of a crowd of people . I know that Debbie had to be a bit disappointed in the lack of excitement from Ink (I would have been), but I think it'll be different when we go to the house.
The end of the day held the prom for Max and April. She looked beautiful, and he looked handsome...and both looked so grown up. We went to April's house for pictures, and met her whole family, who were great. They were all ribbing Max, and it was taken in great stride.
Of course, we had to have the once-over with the sticky tape to get rid of the dog hair.Always my babies.
It was a good day.
Posted by
9:33 AM
Friday, April 24, 2009
Bon Voyage, Mr. Kramer
Kramer left yesterday to begin the second leg of his wonderful journey. We're all going to miss him so much; he was the dog that we all looked to when we began the region here. We all wanted our pups to be "just like Kramer".

Posted by
8:45 AM
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Jones Good Ass Barbeque and Foot Massage
Not sure if you can see this clearly, so if you really want to explore this website, the address is Jones Good Ass Barbeque & Foot Massage
You betcha.
Posted by
9:05 PM
Wednesday, and the last day of rain....

Of course, after we left the store, we started our walk around the perimeter of the parking lot, behind Target, behind Home Depot, behind the yellow/blue electronics store of which we do not speak. We were about halfway around, and the skies opened up. I guess guide dogs must always be prepared to work in any weather. Guide dog puppy raisers need to be better prepared. :)

We toured the kennels then, and I made an attempt to kiss and be kissed by every single dog in there.

Posted by
5:06 PM
Monday, April 20, 2009
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Holy Bunny, it's Easter Already
Hard to believe, tomorrow is Easter. This is my first without any Easter baskets, and I'm halfway missing doing them, and halfway relieved that I didn't have to do them. We are having an Easter dinner though; roast beef, garlic mashed potatoes and strawberry shortcake for dessert. Not a typical Easter meal, but then, we're really not typical people. :)
The week started out with a shock on Monday night; all House fans will know what I'm talking about. Kuttner was a character on that show that I really liked, and although I know it's a show, it made me sad. This followed a few days of sad movies...first we saw Marley and Me, which was good (not as good as the book) and sad, and then we watched Seven Pounds, with Will Smith, which was an incredibly good movie, although it did cause me to sob rather hysterically at the end.
Richard and I travelled to Virginia Tuesday and then on to Baltimore on Wednesday morning. Three jobs, and lots of driving. I played chauffeur; Richard drives so much, and I really enjoy it. After we finished the second job in Virginia, we headed to Newport News, and we had dinner with Jimmy and Charlee. We got to meet their dog, who was a big sweetie, and their apartment was cute. It really reminded me of apartments I had when I was younger...I don't miss apartment living! We went to Chili's; unfortunately I was driving, so I stuck with iced tea. It was a nice dinner, and it was nice to get to know Charlee a bit better. After dinner, we parted ways, and we headed back towards Richmond, and to a Holiday Inn. I love staying in hotels...king sized beds, lots of pillows, and Coke machines right down the hallway. The wake-up call came way too early, way before sunrise, and we were headed towards Baltimore. Unfortunately, we had to fight the Washington, DC traffic, and it made me think of how much I don't miss commuting. After Richard finished the last job, it was on to Milford, DE for a quick lunch and then Puppy Class at 1:30. We had a great meal at a restaurant called The Georgia House, and the cream of crab soup rivaled Annie's soup (it only lacked the huge pile of crabmeat Annie's puts in the middle of the bowl). Richard napped in the car while I did class, and then it was on to home, and boy was it great to get there. Going away always makes you appreciate your own home and your own stuff.While in Virginia, we passed a sign for the town of Croaker. I really liked that name. It might even be in my top ten list of town names. However, it will never surpass Two Egg, Florida, Hot Coffee, Missouri or Dildo, Newfoundland.
But Croaker, Virginia was cute. I wonder if there were lots of frogs there.
Or maybe a lot of deaths.
Thursday, Richard went back to see Dr. Cuomo, who's a bit concerned about his inability to bend his fingers. He's going to talk to Salisbury's only hand specialist, who may want to see Richard. Doctor spoke about a procedure called a capsillectomy, which would open his fingers at the joints and loosen the tension on the tendons. But that's getting ahead...
Friday he went to the nephrologist, the kidney guy. He's ordered some tests, and wants to compare them to the last ones done in December. But we did get some questions answered regarding diet; we only have to worry about protein intake if his function drops to 15 - 20%, and that's hopefully not something we'll ever have to face, because at that point we would also be dealing with either dialysis or transplant.
Next week it's the Hematologist/Oncologist. Maybe we'll be able to find out if this is a kidney problem, a blood problem, neither or both.
I really really like things in black and white; Richard's health has way too many shades of grey for me to be comfortable. Must be the control freak in me.
This morning was our last pre-puppy class; we had four raisers show up to let the new people work with their dogs. Its hard to believe this is the third generation of pups coming from Delmarva. This coming Wednesday, it will be Kramer's last class before he heads to New York for his IFT (In For Testing). So we're planning a little bon voyage party with some cupcakes and some frosty paws for the pups. Hard to believe that this is the tiny little black puppy that I was so impressed with at that very first meeting. Time flies.
Poor Debbie is going through her post-partum blues; poor thing. I told her that she would stop crying when Maggie turns 21. That at least made her laugh. Hopefully, she'll be coming to class on Wednesday with the baby; she told me that she had taken her first walk around the block yesterday, and she cried because she missed Miss Ink. I think that I may ask her to sit for Ink when we go to Marissa's graduation in June...if she's ready.
Ok, guys, it's 10:30 and I'm sleepy. My pillow is calling me. Richard is asleep. Dogs are asleep. Cats are asleep. My turn.
I'll post VERY soon with pictures of pool destruction. Its going slowly (due to the lack of manual laborers), but it's going. But there's no rush. The garden club won't be touring any time soon.
night night.
Posted by
9:40 PM