Today, Ink and I took a ride to Harrington to see Debbie and Christian, and of course, the marvelous Maggie. After the less-than-thrilling response from Ink at the festival last Saturday, Ink greeted Debbie and Christian with much more enthusiasm...which made me feel much better.
It was Ink's first meeting with her new sister, Maggie. I was a bit anxious about it, and had brought the "baby" doll home last night from puppy class. Ink pretty much ignored it, but that really didn't make me think that she'd ignore the baby.
I stopped to pick up Panera (Debbie's favorite), and we made our way north. I was excited about seeing Debbie and Christian, and seeing baby Maggie and how much she's grown.
What a wonderful surprise when I got there...Debbie looked wonderful and Maggie looked bigger and Christian looked tired but happy...and they were so excited to see Ink, and Ink was excited to see them. I was very happy about that. Ink sniffed around for a bit, and pretty much totally ignored the baby. Christian went so far as to bring Maggie down to Ink's level; still nothing. There was a tiny bit of sniffing, and she would look over when the baby would cry or grunt, but Ink too the whole thing completely in stride; she behaved exactly as she should have.
As the minutes wore on, Ink seemed to acclimate herself to the house. She checked out her bed, still right in the same spot that it had always been, and she climbed right in and made herself at home. Christian picked up the tennis balls, and Ink got up and played soccer, and chase me, just like nothing had every changed, that she had never left. I really enjoyed seeing her doing this, and I tremendously enjoyed Debbie and Chris' reaction to Ink being home. They've missed her so much.
I, of course, maximized my opportunity for baby time. Debbie was enjoying herself, as was Christian, so bit the bullet and said I'd hold the baby. Those tiny, tiny fingers. I was telling her to say "Aunt Margo"...she just grunted at me, and that made me laugh. I still swear it sounded like "Aunt Margo". :)
She is a tiny little ray of sunshine. Feeling that tiny little head nestled against yours is almost indescribable.
We went to take a walk before it was time to go, and Debbie took Ink and the stroller too, just to see if she could. It worked out beautifully. Ink walked at about 95% loose leash, and actually walked by "Jack" the miniature collie with hardly a glance.
We talked about Ink coming back home, and about a trial-sit, which we're going to do the weekend after next. That way, we'll be home in case it gets to be too much, and we can come and pick Inky right back up. They are also going to sit when we head down to North Carolina for Marissa's graduation and party. I said we could co-raise, and split the time; or work up to Ink coming back full time slowly. Or we could finish her. It's their call; no matter what happens, we'll all be heartbroken together when it's her turn to go.
I didn't get home until's been a long time since I've just gone "visitin' ". Going to do it next week too...Poor Deb is a bit lonely and needs some company! This flu epidemic makes her wary of going out (and rightly so). It's starting to make me wary.
We've made such great and wonderful friends with this group of people; we've almost become "social". I think I've finally found my "niche".
"Every government interference in the economy consists of giving an unearned benefit, extorted by force, to some men at the expense of others." Ayn Rand
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Thursday, almost Friday
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11:19 PM