Well, here's Richard and Ink with all the beauty queens of Delaware....very sweet ladies, who were so impressed with our dogs.
We went to the Bug and Bud Festival yesterday in Milford to help staff the Guiding Eyes booth. It was so hot, and I was a little bit nervous about how Ink would behave. I'd say the first five minutes were a little difficult, but she hit her stride quickly and behaved like a champion for the rest of our "shift". Mr. Elton and Linda were there, and Elton was extraordinary...he's quite the crowd pleaser as people don't know whether he's a dog or a horse. Lots of children came up to the booth, and it was a lot of fun. We had a 50/50 raffle, and money was flowing in. I spent lots of time handing out information, and telling people how great it is to raise a pup. It was hot as blazes, and we were very grateful for the tent. Delicious festival fare for lunch, sausage and peppers. Fun day.
We were right across from Brutus, a St. Bernard belonging to a lady who did massage. He was big, slobbery and very cool. :)
Our booth at the festival. Thank goodness for the shade!
Debbie came down with Miss Maggie, and my she's grown already! Debbie looked wonderful. Miss Ink didn't give Debbie the greeting I'd hoped she'd give her, but it was probably the worst place for a first meeting...way too many distractions and Ink, by the time Debbie got there, was exhausted. She and I are going to see Debbie and Maggie this week, during the day, when it's quiet, and not in the middle of a crowd of people . I know that Debbie had to be a bit disappointed in the lack of excitement from Ink (I would have been), but I think it'll be different when we go to the house.
The end of the day held the prom for Max and April. She looked beautiful, and he looked handsome...and both looked so grown up. We went to April's house for pictures, and met her whole family, who were great. They were all ribbing Max, and it was taken in great stride.
Of course, we had to have the once-over with the sticky tape to get rid of the dog hair.Always my babies.
It was a good day.
"Every government interference in the economy consists of giving an unearned benefit, extorted by force, to some men at the expense of others." Ayn Rand
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Quiet Sunday Morning
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9:33 AM